Friday, November 21, 2014

Doodle Page... Manifesting From Your True Self

As I was getting ready to meditate with the 21 Day Meditation Experience, I started doodling before the meditation on day 13 which title is Manifesting from your true self and the message for this day says: "to create your life from your inner core means you are manifesting from the same source and intelligence as the universe, your desires are in tune with the creative and evolutionary forces of Nature. This alignment with the universe ensures that your wishes will manifest at the right time and under the right circumstances..."

Isn't that awesome? I love this... so encouraging :)

Anyway, here is what I doodle while listening to it :)

Enjoy :)
and thank you so much for visiting me :)

1 comment:

Inspirational Video about the power of words

This video was sent to me on an email, I love it and I just have to share. Little things that we don't think about and need to be grat...