Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Learning Together

Today I just wanted to share a little of what I learned in the past few days.  Lately I've been reading about finding my purpose in life

besides being a wife and mother, how about me? what's my passion? it has been so hard to figure out since I like to do everything that is artsy and crafty together with scrapbooking, art journaling and mixed media.

 I see there is a lot of people who are crafty but they dedicate themselves to do just one thing, either crochet or embroidery or knitting and they make awesome stuff because they practice that one thing over and over to the point that they become really good at it.  And that's my problem, if that's really a problem?! if you know what I mean lol, I like so many things that I can't practice just one, I go from crocheting one week, to art journaling the other, then knitting, and so on. passion?... which one is it?...

But not only that, I always wanted to help people, and I guess that's one of the reasons why I am writing this here.  So I hope this helps.

I am reading a book called May Cause Miracles by Gabrielle Bernstein, I don't read fast and I don't have too much time to read, so... so far I got only I few things in my notes like...

I have to learn how to choose loving thoughts instead of fearful ones, and that happened to me today, something simple, something silly really, but I felt so much better afterwards, and guess what? my fear was a fear of something so meaningless, really, silly when you think about it as an outsider.

Another thing I learned is that you can change a pattern only if you are willing to change it.

And since I am in search of my passion, I have to make some changes in my life.

I'll keep on reading some more and come back soon with some more advice :)

Thank you for visiting my blog :)


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