Saturday, May 16, 2015

Finding More Time

I am reading "Get It Done" by Sam Bennett, and came across this quote. Meaning that if someone else can do what you think is your job, in order to make more time for yourself, you must delegate.
This is something I need to work on very hard.

I started intermediately... I am teaching my 10 y. old to do her own laundry, as well as folding towels and putting things away :)

I am letting my husband do the dishes and do some cooking in the weekends, which is something he enjoys too.

But believe me, it's working wonders so far.
I am not feeling overwhelmed and even stayed in bed an extra hour this morning, just reading :0)

I hope this helps you too :)


via Instagram Finding More Time

1 comment:

Inspirational Video about the power of words

This video was sent to me on an email, I love it and I just have to share. Little things that we don't think about and need to be grat...