This is day 13 of my 90 day collage challenge
hosted by Shelley Klammer
As I am working on my collages
I keep on noticing that I can't stick to one thing when it comes to art,
is being a real challenge for me
since I want to wonder around and do other kinds of art :)
but that's o.k. the reason why I am sticking to it
is because I really want to take advantage of her offer
if I finish the 90 collages I get to take her course for free
is a win win situation for me
I get to practice one of the arts I like: collage
and I get to take her course for free after I am done :)
But this being a real challenge is o.k.
you never know what you'll discover along the way
To make my collages more interesting for myself
I am adding acrylic paints
stamping, tissue paper, doodles, you name it,
which is called mixed media.
How funny everything I do keeps on taking me back to what I love:
Mixed Media :)
Love and peace,