Saturday, February 18, 2017

A New Journey

I am soon to be 45 (y. old) like everybody says it,
but I don't take it that way, 
for me is 45 years young, 
mostly because now is the time that I am finding out
who I trully am and what do I really like
now is when I feel that I am free to be me.
Maybe I am going through a mid life crisis
and maybe I'll regret writing this in my blog
but I've been thinking for a while now
that is time to change things around.

I love writing, I love blogging and I love to help others.

I think I tried writing this post about 5 times now
since the new year started 
and for some reason I erase the whole thing at once
telling myself that this is stupid,
that I don't have time for this,
I don't have time to write, to take pictures, to edit them and
I tell myself that it is a waste of time.
But this time around I thought,
how can it be a waste of time 
if this is what I like to do?

I like to write and I like to help others.

I promise myself that this year I was going to start
a self care routine
and this is part of it.
simply because I am doing something that I like.

Maybe I will only have time to write once a week
maybe, hopefully, more often.
Or maybe less than that.
But if I don't start, how will I find out?

Every self help and personal growth book I have read so far
says: take action, and that's exactly what I am doing here :)

I also thought about writing what's coming up
what am I going to write about in the future here in my blog,
but NO! I am not going to do that because that will definitely
set me up for failure and expectations 
that will put pure pressure and stress on myself
which wouldn't be enjoyable anymore,
instead, I am going to go with the flow.

All I can tell you is that I love reading mostly
self help, personal growth and health books
I love listening to audiobooks, podcasts, and summits.
I love art, cooking and being creative,
and my intent here is to spread my knowledge,
teach what I learn 
so others can benefit too.

Hopefully you can join me in my journey
and learn to take care of ourselves together.

With Love,


Saturday, February 4, 2017

Love Yourself Mixed Media Page

Have you ever waken up with the desire to do something specific?

Today I did, I woke up with the desire to make art :)
and like always I try to fit an
encouraging quote or saying 
in my art.

today Lulu Art came out with a challenge
with the theme: Body Image
and this is what came to my mind :)

It says: There is no wrong way to have a Body :)
Love Yourself

Take care,


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

#MixedMedia Page Challenges

As I am trying to incorporate art in my daily life
as part of my relaxation and self care routine
I am finding different challenges to participate on
I am seeing myself making more #mixedmedia art
than anything else :)

This time I found two challenges which I mixed them in one page
one from Cupcake Inspirations where their theme this week is Plaid and 
the other one is Colour Me Positive which usually has a quote 
and this week is about how we treat others

I hope you find some inspiration here,

Thanks for stoppping by :)

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thankful for Art :)

As I mentioned before I am going to start participating in challenges
to help me get my art groove back lol

I made this #artjounal cover
using the theme: Put a Stencil On It

I used a few different basic shape stencils
to my prepped art journal cover
let it dry and stamp the words
Thankful for Art
which I am... :)
It gives me my sanity back lol

Thank you for visiting
Make art and stay sane lol


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

#WOYWW 399 Prepping #artjournal pages

Has been such a long time since I showed up here in WOYWW ...

I've been trying to make time to do a little art here and there 5 minutes at the time during the week
So far I managed to prep some art journal pages with gesso, let's see what I come up with
I think I am going to participate on some challenges and take some art classes online, maybe I'll start with some free ones lol
Can you recommend any that you know of?

Take care and make art to keep your sanity :)


Monday, January 23, 2017

Spread Your Wings Art Journal Page

I read in an article and I wish I remember which one
that yoga, art and meditation are great stress relievers.
So this is what I am trying to incorporate in my daily life.

Sometimes I don't know where to start
since my brain is all over the place,
the monkey mind like some people calls it;
so I decided to start by following a challenge:
Simon Says which comes out every Monday,
their theme for this week is 
Spread your Wings

I took a little bit of inspiration from the sample pictures they have :)

I have to admit, I felt a little rush making this page
since I only had half hour to do it
which defeats the purpose of making art to relieve stress lol
but I still feel good that I made some art :)

I know... I have to learn to slow down :)
Now I am curious... how do you do that?

Take care,


Inspirational Video about the power of words

This video was sent to me on an email, I love it and I just have to share. Little things that we don't think about and need to be grat...