Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Day 2: Overwhelmed #expressitmonth

Yes, that's exactly how I feel right now
At the moment I have a lot of pressure from work
get ready for father's day (week) presentation,
lesson plans, continuing education hours to do,
buy materials and supplies for classroom 
and all this is before the month ends.

On top of that I have house work,
which I know they can wait 
but I don't like to wear dirty clothes lol

I have to get new tires for my car
is raining a lot and it's really slippery
(not safe)
I have to get my car detailed,
that's my husband pressuring for that one
he insist that if I do that once a year (at least)
it will keep my car in better condition (paint wise)
for longer time. I hate paying so much for a car detail
but he says it's an investment that pays off on the long run
that way we don't have to get a new car any time soon
Which I don't want to since I love my silly old car :)

Also I have to call the credit report
and make sure everything is fine, since my daughter
had her ss# stolen a couple of years ago,
talking about stress right there
So now we have to freeze our credit
which is another thing on my list

Besides that I have to cook everyday
since my health condition is not that great
and we can save some money like that

O.k. can I cry now....
NO!!! thank you so much @TaraLeaver for this idea
I love expressing my feeling through art
even though when I am doing this 
my heart beat goes faster than normal
I know, I can feel that is helping me a lot
I feel relief immediately
such a good therapy

Thanks for reading all this
and visiting me :)

Much love


  1. I hear you, I see you.
    Let it all out!
    Most of my art is purely intuitive and expressive that way, those times where I get to work with a concept in mind it always turns out being something completely different.
    I love looking at your work and give thanks for you sharing it.

    1. Oh my goodness, you are so kind, I hope you come back and read this because your words have made a world of difference in me right now. I always start some kind of challenge and never finish it because I say to myself that it is stupid, nobody cares and it doesn't help anybody but me, but reading your comment makes me realize that you really care, you took the time to write and let me know that you like looking at my work and thanking me for sharing, that really means a lot, I was about to leave this project half way also, but not anymore, thank you so much for helping and giving me the strength to keep on going and remind me that by helping myself I am also helping others :) thank you

  2. interesting, I see an owl and a squirrel, symbolic for wisdom, and making ends meet, being resourceful and thrifty. nice one.

    1. Thank you so much @Petra I came back and look at my art again, and I think I see the owl on the top right, but the squirrel is hiding from me lol thank you for the wisdom part,interesting that you say that since the owl is my favorite animal and his wisdom is the reason why is my favorite one. Now, besides taht you say resourceful and thrifty, that gives me goosebumps because that's exactly how I am :P thanks a million for taking the time of leaving a comment it means a lot to me :)

    2. Thank you so much @Petra I came back and look at my art again, and I think I see the owl on the top right, but the squirrel is hiding from me lol thank you for the wisdom part,interesting that you say that since the owl is my favorite animal and his wisdom is the reason why is my favorite one. Now, besides taht you say resourceful and thrifty, that gives me goosebumps because that's exactly how I am :P thanks a million for taking the time of leaving a comment it means a lot to me :)


Inspirational Video about the power of words

This video was sent to me on an email, I love it and I just have to share. Little things that we don't think about and need to be grat...